Selecting and Playing Styles
Using Tap Tempo to start
This useful feature lets you tap out the speed (tempo) of the auto accompaniment
and automatically start the accompaniment at that tapped speed.
Simply tap the [TEMPO/TAP] button four times (or three times for a 3/4 time style),
and the accompaniment starts automatically at the tempo you tapped. You can also
change the tempo while the accompaniment is playing by tapping the [TEMPO/
TAP] button twice at the desired tempo.
Using Sync Start
The EZ-150 also has a Sync Start function that allows you to start the
rhythm/accompaniment by simply pressing a key on the keyboard. To use
Sync Start, first press the [SYNC START] button (the Left dot flashes to
indicate Sync Start stand-by), then press any key in the ACMP area of the
keyboard (or any key when accompaniment is off).