Required and Recommended Items
In addition to the included items listed above, you should also have the following:
Synthesizer/Tone Generator/Sound Card Compatible with the Modu-
lar Synthesis or XG Plug-in Systems
In order to use the PLG150-PF, you’ll need a synthesizer, tone generator or sound card compatible
with the Modular Synthesis Plug-in System or the XG Plug-in System. Compatible instruments
include the CS6x, MU128, and the SW1000XG. The synthesizer/tone generator/sound card should al
so have an available slot or space for installing the PLG150-PF.
XGworks or XGworks lite Music Sequencing Software
These software sequencers provide convenient tools for taking full advantage of the PLG150-PF, let-
ting you create song data that automatically selects and plays back the PF voices. They also include
the powerful PF Easy Editor (see below) for editing and controlling the PF voices. XGworks lite is
contained on a CD-ROM included with the CS6x, MU128, etc., and XGworks is contained on a CD-
ROM included with the SW1000XG.
PF Easy Editor
The PF Easy Editor is a special plug-in software module for XGworks and XGworks lite. It provides
convenient easy-to-use control over the most important PLG150-PF settings and parameters. It also
provides exceptionally intuitive editing, with a virtual “front panel” display that lets you change the
settings with sliders.
Using the PF Easy Editor is just like using the Part editing controls on your tone generator — it indi-
rectly and temporarily changes the PF voices without making changes to the original voice. The
changed parameters can either be inserted into a song to automate sound changes, or can be saved as
an PF parameter file for future recall. The PF Easy Editor software is contained on the included floppy