MX49/MX61 Reference Manual
Creating a Song with a
Basic Structure
Structure of the MX49/MX61
The MX49/MX61 system consists of five main functional blocks: Controller, Tone Generator, Effect, Arpeggio, and Song/
Pattern Playing.
Controller Block
This block generates/transmits note on/off, velocity (strength) and other playing information to the synthesizer’s tone
generator block when you play notes. If the Arpeggio function is available, this block also transmits the playing
information to the Arpeggio block.
The keyboard transmits note on/off messages to the Tone Generator Block (for sounding the Voices). The keyboard is
also used for triggering Arpeggio playback. The default note numbers assigned to the keyboard range from C2 – C6
(MX49)/ C1- C6 (MX61). You can change the note range of the keyboard in octaves by using the OCTAVE [-]/[+]
buttons, or transpose the notes by using the TRANSPOSE [-]/[+] buttons.
Pitch Bend wheel
Use the Pitch Bend wheel to bend the pitch of the notes up (roll the wheel up away
from you) or down (roll the wheel down toward you) while playing the keyboard.
This wheel is self-centering and will automatically return to normal pitch when
released. Each preset Voice has its own default Pitch Bend Range setting. The
Pitch Bend Range setting can be changed in the Play Mode display (
Part Edit. Functions other than Pitch Bend can be assigned to the Pitch Bend wheel
in the Ctrl Set display (
) of Voice Edit.
Controller Block
Arpeggio Block
Song/Pattern Playing Block
Tone Generator
Pitch up
Pitch down