SWR2311P>show spanning-tree mst detail interface port1.19
% Default: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change detected
% Default: CIST Root Path Cost 0 - CIST Root Port 0 - CIST Bridge Priority 32768
% Default: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6 -
Max-hops 20
% Default: CIST Root Id 8000ac44f2300110
% Default: CIST Reg Root Id 8000ac44f2300110
% Default: CIST Bridge Id 8000ac44f2300110
% Default: 9 topology change(s) - last topology change Tue Feb 27 20:14:35 2018
% port1.19: Port Number 923 - Ifindex 5019 - Port Id 0x839b - Role Designated -
State Forwarding
% port1.19: Designated External Path Cost 0 -Internal Path Cost 0
% port1.19: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 2
% port1.19: Designated Port Id 0x839b - CIST Priority 128 -
% port1.19: CIST Root 8000ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Regional Root 8000ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Designated Bridge 8000ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% port1.19: CIST Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% port1.19: CIST Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change
timer 0
% port1.19: forward-transitions 1
% port1.19: Version Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - Received MSTP - Send MSTP
% port1.19: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% port1.19: bpdu-guard disabled - Current bpdu-guard off
% port1.19: bpdu-filter disabled - Current bpdu-filter off
% port1.19: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% port1.19: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% port1.19: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% Instance 1: Vlans: 100
% Default: MSTI Root Path Cost 0 -MSTI Root Port 0 - MSTI Bridge Priority 32768
% Default: MSTI Root Id 8001ac44f2300110
% Default: MSTI Bridge Id 8001ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Port Number 923 - Ifindex 5019 - Port Id 0x839b - Role Designated -
State Forwarding
% port1.19: Designated Internal Path Cost 0 - Designated Port Id 0x839b
% port1.19: Configured Internal Path Cost 20000
% port1.19: Configured CST External Path cost 20000
% port1.19: CST Priority 128 - MSTI Priority 128
% port1.19: Designated Root 8001ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Designated Bridge 8001ac44f2300110
% port1.19: Message Age 0
% port1.19: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% port1.19: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 0
6.3.26 Show MST instance information
Specifies the interface to show
ID of generated MST interface
Name of LAN/SFP port or logical interface
Interface to show
[Input mode]
unprivileged EXEC mode, priviledged EXEC mode, interface mode
Shows information for the specified MST instance.
If "interface" is omitted, information is shown for all interfaces that are assigned the specified MST instance.
| Command Reference | Layer 2 functions