1.3. Optional accessories
Standards supported: 1000BASE-SX/1000BASE-LX
This is necessary when connecting fiber optic cables.
Attach this to the SFP+ ports. For details on attaching, refer to “
Standards supported: 10GBASE-SR/10GBASE-LR
This is necessary when connecting fiber optic cables.
Attach this to the SFP+ ports. For details on attaching, refer to “
• Direct attach cable:DAC-SWRT-3M/DAC-SWRT-1M
This cable can be used to directly connect SFP+ ports between Yamaha products. This allows you
to build an inexpensive 10-gigabit Ethernet system, although with limited distance.
For switches that support stack functionality, this cable can also be used as a stack cable.
For details on attaching, refer to “
Installing a direct attach cable
For details on optional accessories, refer to the websites listed below.
1.4. Website information
The contents of “Optional accessories,” “Read This First,” “User guide,” “Command reference” and
“Technical data” are available on the following websites.
1.5. Manual information
The following manuals are provided to match various usage scenarios for this product. Refer to the
appropriate manual according to your needs.
• Read This First (printed documentation)
Includes various points of caution regarding the use of this product. Read this document before
using the product.
• User Guide (this guide)
Includes information on installing, connecting and configuring the settings for this product.
• Command reference (website)
Lists the command formats used when configuring this product, and usage examples for each.
• Technical data (website)
Provides detailed information on this product’s functions.
• Help contents for the “Web settings screens”
Lists detailed explanations of each parameter in the settings.
1. Introduction
| L2 SWITCH SWX2320-16MT User Guide