Installing the Dante Firmware Update Manager
Before you update the firmware, you will need to install the Dante Firmware Update Manager.
Double-click the Dante Firmware Update Manager installer "DanteFirmwareUpdateManager-x.x.x.exe"
(Windows) or "DanteFirmwareUpdateManaager_x-x-x.dmg" (Mac) downloaded in “
Preparing for the
” and follow the on-screen instructions to install the firmware. The letters x.x.x or x-x-x represent the
version number of the Dante Firmware Update Manager.
When installing the Dante Firmware Update Manager, temporarily disable any running anti-virus
If any warning messages, such as those related to "User Account Control" or "Windows Security,"
appear during the procedure, follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
In the middle of installation of the Dante Firmware Update Manager, you may be prompted to install