AW4416 Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
This manual supplement explains the functions and specifications
that have been added or changed in version 2.0 of the AW4416’s sys-
tem software. “Operation” explains how to use the new functionality,
and “Reference” provides detailed explanations of all items in the
pages that were added. Since revisions have also occurred in the
MIDI data format in the appendices, this material is also provided.
Extensions to the Quick Rec function ............ 3
Quickly assign input sources to tracks.......... 3
Shortcut key definitions................................. 5
Added/modified MIDI functions.................... 6
Changes in the MIDI Setup page/
MIDI Sync page ......................................... 6
Using control changes to operate
AW4416 parameters .................................. 9
Using parameter changes to perform
AW4416 operations................................. 11
Transmitting internal AW4416 settings
via MIDI (Bulk Dump).............................. 11
Newly added MIDI Remote function.......... 13
Additional functionality for Automix .......... 19
Mini YGDAI plug-in system compatible
I/O card operations................................... 21
Backing up an I/O card .............................. 21
Restoring to an I/O card ............................. 22
QUICK REC screen ............................ 23
Quick Rec 2 page .........................................23
UTILITY screen.................................. 25
CTRL Key Asgn. page....................................25
MIDI screen ...................................... 27
CTL Asgn. page.............................................27
Bulk Dump page...........................................31
Remote B 1-8/Remote B 9-16 pages...........33
MIDI data format .........................................37