T Through the wireharness to the frame wireharness
U Route the wireharness and regulator lead through
the frame wire holder.
Place the regulator lead under the wireharness.
V Fasten the lead of relay together with the wirehar-
ness to the frame. Direct the band’s combined sec-
tion toward the box side.
W After making the connections, push the couplers
into the space inside the frame above the mud-
X To the tail / brake light.
Y Insert the tail / brake light cuplers between the wire-
harness and the seat lock cable (left side).
Z To the starter relay.
N Fasten the headlight sub-harness to the stay 1
with a plastic clamp.
O Fasten the igniter lead to the stay 1 with a plastic
clamp. When fastening them using a plastic
clamp, make sure not to cross the branch leads.
P Fasten the horn lead with a clamp.
Q Fasten the fan motor lead, sidestand switch
lead, and thermo switch lead to the frame with a
plastic clamp.
R Use a plastic band to connect the wireharness
and relay lead to the frame.
Position the band clasp on the bottom of the
frame and face the band end to the outside.
S Insert the seat lock cable and the cylinder
mounting rubber into the frame stay.