Read all of the introduction (pages 2 through 9)
before installing and operating your new trailer!
Have the children play alone while you enjoy a cup of tea and focus on this
important information regarding your new trailer.
Failure to read and follow the instructions
contained in these pages may result in accidents
and serious injury or death.
In many ways, bicycling with a child
trailer can be quite different than
bicycling without one.
You will encounter definite changes
in the handling ability and overall
performance of your bike when a
trailer is attached. As you add
length and weight to your bike,
control and handling become more
of a challenge. Plan on it taking
longer to stop when you are braking
Towing a Trailer WILL Affect Your Bike’s Handling!
and count on it taking a greater
amount of time and effort to get
rolling again once you are stopped.
Pedaling with a loaded bicycle
trailer in tow demands your full
concentration. Be especially careful
when proceeding through
intersections with a trailer in tow
and pay close attention to your bike
handling skills and the little
differences each individual load
can bring to the performance
Your agility and maneuverability on
the bike will be reduced so choose
a ride safely within the comfort
zone of your own individual bike
handling abilities.
Your turning will be limited;
especially on right turns.
HINT: If possible, take
a spin next to a friend
familiar with pulling a trailer.
Get a glimpse of the
increased length and width
that will soon be your
responsibility. Get a feel for
the size of the matter so you
can estimate your space
requirements before taking
charge of the navigational
chores yourself.
Greater Length: You Now Have a Trailer In Tow
Because of our
trailer’s lightweight
design and ability to
smoothly roll behind
your bicycle, it might
be easy at times to
forget that you are
riding with a trailer
and some very
precious cargo in tow.
• Your LENGTH as a rider has now doubled and you
need be always aware of this important fact.
• On every ride use the FLAG provided for visibility
and to let others know where you and your child’s
space ends and theirs can begin.
• NEVER assume that those in autos will see you
because as soon as you do, they won’t. Drivers
are preoccupied with other cars, and the LAST
thing they are looking for is someone pulling a
child trailer behind a bicycle.