Happy Tailwinds
You have made it through the manual and should now be ready to let the good times roll.
Keep these tips in mind as you tow your trailer down the local bike path on your way to
some quality outdoor recreation with the whole family. If our giggling kids are any
indication of what to look forward to, your days with a Yakima child’s trailer will be a
healthy and satisfying experience you can enjoy for years to come. Seize the day and
make it your own with the freedom that only singing wheels and happy children can bring.
WARNING: Secure children safely inside the
trailer before riding away!
• ALWAYS use child harness and
lap belt.
• NEVER leave child unattended.
• POSITION the junction of chest
straps and crotch strap at child’s
sternum (mid-chest).
Belts or
buckles near child’s neck can
cause discomfort or serious
injury. Check child periodically.
• HELMETS must be worn by
passengers and pilots when
trailer is in use. Helmets may
reduce injury in the event of
an accident.
• Do not allow any of child’s
body, clothing, toys or other
objects to come in contact
with moving parts.
• CHILDREN must not rock,
lean or bounce while
sitting or riding in trailer.
• SEAT SINGLE passengers
in the center of the seat,
and distribute the load
• Do not allow children to
play with buckles.
Passengers must be
secured before
riding away.
• To release the buckle, press the sides together.
• Pull away from buckle to tighten.
For storage, remove the hitch arm
and fold the trailer.
• Depress the metal buttons and
slide the red stabilizers away
from the black handle.
• You will need to rotate them
before folding the trailer.
• Remove the pin
from the joint
and lower the