Import / Import with FT1DR/DE / FT2DR/DE format
ADMS-8 data files may be created using a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel.
To create a data file for the import of data, save the spreadsheet in the "CSV" comma separated file
A spreadsheet may be easily created by exporting the template data in the "CSV" format using the
ADMS-8 "Export" command. After the "CSV" data has been edited the spreadsheet may be imported
back into the ADMS-8 Programmer. (See the "Export" command instructions below for details).
A separate import file is needed for each template.
For example, to import the VFO and memory templates; first, click the "VFO" tab to display the VFO
template, then import the VFO (CSV) file; next, click the "Memories" tab to display the "Memory"
template; then import the Memory (CSV) file.
Do not edit the "Check" line at the right side end of the completed CSV file.
Export / Export with FT1DR/DE / FT2DR/DE format
To export the data file in the “CSV” (Comma Separated Values) format, click the left mouse button on
the "Export" parameter in the "File" menu, On the “Save as” screen displayed, specify the directory
and file name and save the file.