Delete Channel
To delete the specified range of channel data, click the left mouse button on the “Delete Channel”
parameter in the “Edit” menu. The channels that were displayed after the deleted channels will shift
up accordingly.
Clear Channel
To clear the current channel data, click the left mouse button on the "Clear Channel" parameter in
the "Edit" menu. The channels that were displayed after the deleted channels will not shift up and the
blank channels will remain.
Move Up
To move the current channel data up one row, click the left mouse button on the "Move Up"
parameter in the "Edit" menu. If other channel data already exists where the channel data moves, the
existing channel will be overwritten.
Move Down
To move the current channel data down one row, click the left mouse button on the "Move Down"
parameter in the "Edit" menu, the currently selected channel data moves downward one row. If other
channel data already exists where the channel data moves, the existing channel will be overwritten.
Add Frequency Range
New channels may be created in designated frequency steps from the starting frequency by clicking
the left mouse button on the "Add Frequency Range" parameter in the "Edit" menu. The "Add
Frequency Range" window will open. A specified number of memory channels may be created,
beginning from the starting frequency in the specified frequency steps.
• Starting Frequency
Enter the lower frequency
• Number of Channel
Enter the number of channels
• Frequency Step
Enter the desire frequency step
Click the left mouse button on the [OK] button to create the additional specified memory channels.
* The 8.33 kHz step is available only when receiving on the Air band (108-136.99166 MHz).