Starts scanning from a designated channel and scans only designated channels.
Sets the channel step for receiving channels. Normally, when a frequency is entered, the optimal
channel step will be automatically set according to the frequency.
Memory Mask
When the checkbox of this item is ticked, the corresponding memory channel cannot be called for a
period of time. Un-ticking the checkbox enables calling the memory channel.
By ticking the checkbox of this item, the receive sensitivity is lowered by about 10dB. This is useful
when, for example, an adjacent strong radio wave interferes with the reception.
S-Meter SQL
Configure the normal noise squelch setting, and also the S-meter squelch level setting.
Disables S-Meter SQL.
• Level 1 to Level 9
Select the S-Meter SQL level.
Outputs a ringing tone when receiving a signal that satisfies the conditions set from the squelch type.
Set the number of times the tone (bell) rings.
Enables vibration when receiving a signal that satisfies the conditions set from the squelch type.
Half DEV
Lowers the transmit deviation to approximately half.
Clock Shift
When an internal spurious signal occurs due to the microcomputer clock, turn this setting on (tick the
checkbox). This may improve the situation.
Usually, this item is set to "OFF" (un-tick the checkbox).
BANK 1 to BANK 24
A combination of up to 100 memory channels and preset memory channels can be registered to each
of BANK 1 to BANK 24. In the column of each channel, tick the checkbox of the BANK to register the
desired channel.
When recalling a bank, only channels registered to the bank will be recalled.
Comments may be added to the registered memory channels. Up to 255 letters can be used. This
function is useful in organizing the memory channels by, for example, applying a category name to
each channel.
These comments are not transferred to the FT2DR/DE.