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4.1.5. MIB-Data
The data from the MIB-II, EtherLike MIB and RMON are specified in the corresponding Request for
Comment (RFC). The groups and their properties in the Yacoub MIB are as follows:
1. General:
a) ID: A string that contains the device identification,
b) Revision: An integer that contains the version number.
2. IP:
a) DHCPEnable: Enable (1) or Disable (2), automatic configuration of the IP stack at boot time via DHCP,
b) IP Address: The IP-Address of the switch, if DHCP is deactivated,
c) Netmask: The netmask.
3. VLAN:
Contains a [rows * columns] table (rows = columns = number of ports), each of the object contains
enable (1) or disable (2), to the function that broadcast messages are forwarded by the line port to
colums port; should be forwarded, for example, broadcast messages from port 3 to port 4, then
VLAN.3.4.0 must be set to enabled (1).
4. QoS:
a) Enabled: Enable (1) or disable (2) the QoS functionality,
b) LQWeight: An integer (0 to 15), that sets the rate of low-priority queues.
c) HQWeight: An integer (0 to 15), that sets the rate of high-priority queues.
d) PriorityThreshold: An integer (0 to 7), which sets the threshold for the distinction between low-and
high-priority packets to the QoS mechanism.
e) High Priority Port Table: Contains a [number of ports * 1] table; each entry is enabled (1) or disabled
(2), which means that the corresponding port is either a high-priority port or it is a low-priority port.
5. SNMP:
a) TrapEnable: Enable (1) or disable (2) the sending of cold start, link down and linkUp traps,
b) TrapRecipientCommunity: A String that specifies the community, at that the generic traps should be
sent to (it is the standard community for the RMON-event-trap which can be configured with another
c) TrapRecipientIP: IP-Address to which all the traps can be sent.
Please note:
• Objects in the General Group of MIB Yacoub all were set to read-only, all other objects in the Yacoub
MIB are readable and writable. The data provided in the entire MIB of the switch are only partially
readable and partially readable and writable.
• The data in Read-Only Mode are mostly for counting and readable and writable data are mostly values
to configure the behavior of the switch.
• The data in Read-Only mode throughout the entire MIB can be divided into static (in flash memory)
and dynamic data (in RAM).