XYZ Machine Tools
ProtoTRAK RX CNC control, Safety and Quick Start Guide
This guide provides important safety Information and a very brief description of the operation of the
CNC control.
Full safety and operating information is provided in the ProtoTRAK RMX or RLX CNC Safety,
Programming, Operating, and Care Manual. Please take time to read and understand these manuals
before using the machine. These manuals can be downloaded from the support pages of our website
This machine is designed for the machining of cold metal within the stated capacity of the machine
with axes movement occurring by manual use of handwheels or CNC control.
This machine must not be used for machining flammable materials (e.g. magnesium) without
undertaking a risk assessment and incorporating any additional safety measures identified.
It is designed to be used in a standard workshop environment only.
It is the responsibility of the employer, machine owner or machine controller to ensure that this
machine is installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations (1998) or equivalent local regulations.
In particular, the responsible person must:
Undertake a Risk Assessment on the use of this machine, paying particular attention to the
unique characteristics of the Prototrak control system (for example, operating mode selection
and access to the work zone)
Generate and apply Safe Operating Procedures for the use of the Prototrak machine
Provide any additional training, safeguarding and PPE identified by the risk assessment.
This machine must only be operated by trained and experienced operators.
The following Safety Features must be checked on a regular basis (e.g. at the start of every shift):
Press the E-stop button and ensure that the control flags up faults 261 (E-stop active)
and 0055 (machine disabled) and that the axes and spindle cannot be started. For
lathes, check that the spindle is held on the emergency stop brake.
For lathes with sliding front guards: press each of the safety edge strips and check the
machine goes into the E-stop condition each time.
Guard Interlocks
Table Guards (RMX Mills): Start the spindle at maximum speed and then open each door
guard in turn. Check that the spindle stops quickly (around 1 second) and cannot be re-
started and that the maximum feedrate is limited to 2m/min (78 ipm)
Chuck Guard (RLX lathes): Start the spindle at maximum speed and then open the chuck
guard. Check that the spindle stops quickly (around 3 to 8 secs depending on model)
and cannot be re-started.
Belt door guard (RLX lathes): Repeat the above for the belt door guard. WARNING:
Only open the door enough to trigger the interlock
stay well clear of the drive belts!
Main Door (RLX lathes): open the main door guard in DRO mode. Check that the door
open message appears on the screen and that maximum feedrate is limited to 2m/min
(78 ipm).
Safety Speed Monitoring
Close the table guards(mills) or main door guard (lathes) and
whilst jogging at max feedrate, open the guards. Check for a fault 247, 248 or 249,
depending on which axes was jogging (max permissible feedrate exceeded).
Guards: Inspect the guards for signs of damage (especially the transparent panels). Replace
if any part of the guard is damaged. Replace the transparent panels in accordance with the
stated schedule, regardless of their apparent condition (see the FAQ on our website for why