Principle of Operation
The principle of operation of IR rework system is that whilst being heated from above and
below, a single SMD is subjected to similar temperature/time profile during rework as it
experiences during reflow in the original production process.
Temperature setting range
) Original temperature setting: 45
℃ (
Timer setting range
: 0 - 900sec
Time counting: Forward counting starts from 000S (UP/DOWN switch flip to “UP”
position). Backward counting commences from 015S (UP/DOWN switch to “DOWN”
IR hand tool operation:
Flip the “
switch on to the IR position.
Reset IR Lamp temperature: By pressing “
” or “
” Temperature forward counting: If
pressing “
” key one time, the digital will be increased “1” numeral. If pressing “
” key
over 2 seconds then the digital numerals will be forwarded continuously till the
temperature you set and then depressing the “
” key off.
Temperature backward counting: If pressing “
” key one time the digital will be
decreased “1” numeral. If pressing “
” key over 2 seconds then the digital numerals
will be down continuously till the temperature you set and then depressing the “
key off.
Step “footswitch” the IR lamp commence to warm up, release the “footswitch”, IR lamp
will be stop operating.
IR lamp operating with positive numeral module
Flip the “TIMER/IR” switch to “TIMER” position and “UP/DOWN” switch to “UP”
position, then IR lamp will be operating with positive numeral digit. (See picture on
right side)
Please note
: The feature of positive counting is to calculate the IR lamp heat up time and
it is not able to be adjusted. Time counting can be calculated automatically by stepping
À Press the “RESET” then the positive counting will be off and numeral shown
If released the footswitch then positive numeral time counting will be
stopped, step again then the timing will be calculated continuously.
The IR
lamp and positive numeral counter will be commenced counting when
footswitch being stepped. The vise-versa.
IR lamp operating with negative numeral module