Operation with OxiTop
-IDS measuring heads
Multi 3630/3620 IDS
5.5.4 OxiTop
PM-Test (Cal test)
The test checks the tightness and calibration of the pressure measuring system
with the aid of a chemically simulated BOD.
-PM calibration tablet contains, among other, a defined amount of
sodium sulfite. The oxygen in the sample bottle oxidizes the sodium sulfite to
sodium sulfate. This process consumes the oxygen present in the sample bot-
tle. The reduction of oxygen causes a defined negative pressure. The BOD
value corresponding to this negative pressure is given in the packet.
The procedure is similar to a BOD5 measurement with
specified sample volume (164 ml) and
addition of the calibration tablet
Details on sample preparation and steps of the test: see operating manual of
the OxiTop
-PM test resource.
The test is started in one of the following ways:
-IDS measuring head without wirelessly connected meter:
BOD5-measurement (with defined sample volume)
-IDS measuring head with wirelessly connected meter:
BOD5-measurement (with defined sample volume, menu-guided test)