Logger period
Average period
5 minutes
1 minute
6 minutes
1 minute
10 minutes
2 minutes
15 minutes
3 minutes
30 minutes
3 minutes
60 minutes (1 hour)
5 minutes
120 minutes (2 hours)
10 minutes
180 minutes (3 hours)
15 minutes
300 minutes (5 hours)
30 minutes
360 minutes (6 hours)
30 minutes
720 minutes (12 hours)
30 minutes
1440 minutes (1 day)
60 minutes
**) The peak flow rate is a value averaged over 2 seconds.
The recording intervals of the first data logger are programmable between 1 minute and 1440 minutes (1 day). The data loggers can be program-
med and read out via SensusRF radio.
11. Radio
11.1. General
The Cordonel is equipped with a radio interface in the license-free 433 MHz or 868 MHz band. To use the radio data, the user must have appro-
priate receivers of the same frequency, e.g. Sensus SIRT. The radio is switched off upon delivery. It can be switched on either by radio command
or automatically by watering the pipe. The radio data are secured by a 128 bit key.
11.2. SensusRF
SensusRF is a licence-free radio system with a combination of uni-directional and bi-directional radio. The meter sends a short data telegram (BUP)
every 15 seconds. After every fourth BUP, the meter listens for a short period (LAT) as to whether further information is requested. If a radio com-
mand (PAM) is received during this period, the meter sends the corresponding information (SEMI). The meter can also be configured via the PAM.
BUP content
Radio address
Meter reading
Alarm messages
Signal strength (via the receiver)
Time stamp (via the receiver)
SEMI content
Type of meter
BUP interval
Current flow rate
LAT interval
Min. and max. flow rate with time
wM-Bus status
Reverse volume
wM-Bus transmission interval
Start and end of leakage
Data logger programming values
Start and end of negative flow
Alarm activation
Start and end of pipe burst
Leakage detection parameters
Last measured pressure
Pipe burst detection parameters
Last measured temperature
Remaining battery life
Time since low battery was detected
11.3. wM-Bus (OMS)
The Cordonel transmits a wM-Bus data protocol according to EN13757-4:2013.
The Cordonel supports T-mode and C-mode. Standard setting is T-mode and a transmission interval of 1 hour. The settings are changeable with
the Diavaso Config app in the range of 15 to 240 minutes.
11.4. Radio data security
The data telegrams of the Cordonel are encrypted via 128 bit. The data key is assigned to the radio address of the meter and must be stored in the
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