Standard Optical Sensor
Maintenance and Storage
Standard optical sensors include Turbidity, Total Algae, and fDOM sensors; these optical sensors are very
low maintenance. This section identifies storage as “long-term” or “short-term.” Long-term denotes storage
during times of long inactivity (over winter, end of monitoring season, etc.). Short-term denotes storage
during times the sonde will be used at a regular interval (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.). Maintain connectors
as instructed in the “Connectors” section.
1 Clean sensing window.
Turbidity, Total Algae, and fDOM require minimal
maintenance. Users should periodically inspect the optical
surface at the tip of the sensor and wipe it clean with a non-
abrasive, lint-free cloth if necessary. As much as possible,
prevent scratches and damage to the sensing window.
2 Long- and short-term storage.
Turbidity, Total Algae, and fDOM require minimal
precautions. Users can either remove the sensors or leave
them installed in the sonde for long- and short-term storage.
If left installed on the sonde, follow guidelines for sonde
storage. If users remove them from the sonde, the sensors
may be stored in dry air in their shipping cap (to protect
against physical damage).
Do not store the fDOM sensor in quinine sulfate solution.