XVME-212 Manual
The module status/control register (found at module base address + 8lH) on intelligent
XVME I/O modules provides the current status of the module self-test in conjunction with
the current status of the front panel LEDs. The status register on intelligent modules is
a “Read Only” register and it can be read by software to determine if the board is
operating properly.
On non-intelligent XVME I/O modules, the status/control register is used to indicate the
state of the front panel LEDs, and to set and verify module-generated interrupts. The
LED status bits are “Read/Write” locations which provide the user with the indicators to
accommodate diagnostic software. The Interrupt Enable bit is also a Read/Write location
which must be written to in order to enable module-generated interrupts. The Interrupt
Pending bit is a “Read Only” bit indicating a module-generated pending interrupt.
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