sensitivity is set too low.
. Q: Why doesn’t alarm work?
A: Please check if the alarm setting, alarm connection and alarm input signals are
corrected correctly.
12. Q: Why does buzzer keep alarming?
A: Please check the alarm setting, check if motion detection function is enabled and
object motion is detected all the time and if I/O alarm is set as Always Off. also, refer to
corresponding HDD alarm setting.
. Q: Why can’t I stop recording by pressing “STOP” button or click “Stop Recording” in
context menu?
A: Pressing Stop button can only stop manual record. If you want to stop Scheduled
recording in certain time quantum, please change the setting to No Record. To stop
Startup recording, please change record mode to scheduled recording or manual
recording. Then you may stop recording by the prescribed methods. Another way of
stopping recording is to set channel in record setting as off.