Image Control
Click (Display) → (Image Control) to enter the following interface.
4modes: GPIO, Auto, Video, Auto, Color Mode and Black &
White Mode.
IR-CUT Delay Set IR cut delay switching time
Image flip: Lens flip and angle flip
Back light: Enable or disable the Back light. When enabled, there are three
levels: low, middle and high.
Back light compensation: Can compensate the darkness of the subject caused by
shooting against the sunlight. In some application scenario, the field of view may
contain a very bright background field, such as the door and window against the light,
while the observed subject is surrounded by the bright field. In this case, the photo is
gloomy and has no layering. The backlight compensation can be applied to solve the
3D Noise Reduction: Enable (auto or manual) or disable the video noise reduction
function. Default setting is Auto.
WDR: Enable or disable WDR function. WDR is a technology that enables the
camera to catch the image features with strong contrast.
DR (Dynamic range) details of the bright part and dark part of image. The larger
dynamic range shows richer layers and broader color space.
AGC: Adjust the level of AGC (low, middle and high)
White Balance: Auto, manual and indoor
Auto: Optimize according to the current lighting conditions and screen mode and
calibrate the video color of the camera.
Manual: Manually adjust red and blue gain of camera video
Indoor: Optimize according to the indoor environment and automatically calibrate the
video color of camera.
Shutter: Auto mode and manual mode. Default mode is Auto.
Time exposure: Adjust exposure level of camera.