4.3 Advance
Click “Advance setting” on the master menu
4.3.1 Alarm
1. Motion: Alarm will be in triggered when there is movement in the detecting area
1) CH: Order of the DVR channel
2) Enable: Click to enable the basic setting.
3) Sensitivity: “1-‐8”for options.
4) Area: Set the area for motion detection
Red: Area in red indicates there is moving object in the detecting area
Green: Area in green indicates there is no moving object in the detecting area
Grey: Area in grey indicates this is not the detecting area
5) Alarm plan: Click the alarm button to enable the alarm. Drag your mouse to set your
alarm plan. Red area is the time with alarm. Gray is the time without alarm. Click “Apply”
to save. Click “Default” to cancel. Click “Exit” back to the superior menu.