Range: 1 to 5
With the STATUS LED solid green, press and hold the PROG button until the
STATUS LED turns off. The STATUS LED will now slowly flash green the
number of times equal to the current hopping mode setting. For example, if
hopping mode is currently set to 3, the STATUS LED will flash green three
After the flashing stops you have five seconds to change the hopping mode.
To change the hopping mode, press and release the PROG button as many
times as necessary to equal the hopping mode you would like. For example,
if you wanted the hopping mode to be 3, you would press and release the
button three times.
If you do not press the PROG button within five seconds, or if the value you
enter exceeds what is allowed, the STATUS LED will alternately flash red and
green (error condition occurred) and no change will be made. At this point,
you are back at the programming mode start (where you can select a
programming option).
If you do make a change, the STATUS LED will blink green/red/orange in
rapid succession to let you know that the change was successful.
Below is a table of available hopping modes.
Hopping Mode
Single frequency w/predictive
FCC Full Time
FCC Full Time w/adaptive
ETSI Full Time
ETSI Full Time w/adaptive
The difference between the FCC and ETSI hopping schemes is the number of
frequencies used. Until this product is re-certified to use more frequencies
(like what has already been done with ETSI testing in Europe), the
frequencies for the U.S. and other FCC compliant countries are same as the
Single frequency w/predictive hopping mode. ETSI hopping increases the
number of frequencies used in hopping sequence.
Note: adaptive mode is still in development and subject to change.