Před montáží nebo demontáží nástavce k úhlové brusce nejprve odpojte přívodní kabel
zařízení od zdroje elektrického napětí. Pokud se jedná o bateriemi napájený výrobek,
vždy nejprve odpojte baterii.
1. Wear safety goggles or glasses while polishing and a dust particle mask when
2. Make sure the belt and stand is in good condition.Dul l belt wil l bind
3. Ensure that the material you are sanding is firmly anchored in place.
4. The tube polishing attachment should be instal led properly.All parts should be screwed
up firmly.This ensures safe control of the tool.
5. Slowly bring down the sanding belt until it contacts the material and begins
polishing.Adjust motor speed to ensure a smooth,clean operation. Do not over-force the
belt into the material.This can cause the belt to bind and even break
6. Always choose the right belt for proper materials. Do not sanding on the materials that
is not recommended, which wil l damage the tools and even get yourself hurt.
1. Before each use, clean off the drive shaft. Make sure it has no dirt, grease, or
debris clinging to it.
2. All that is required to keep the attachment in excel lent working condition is to
wipe it down after each use to clear away any debris and particles.
3. Store it in a cool, dry location, out of reach of children.
It is normal that if the sanding belt deviates from the shelf when operating. If it
deviates, the adjustive knob can help to modify the course of the belt.
If the belt deviates to the left, turo up the knob to the clockwise direction(m).
when deviating to the right, the Belt should be
adjusted to left direction
If the belt deviates to the right, turo down the knob
to the counterclockwise direction
l) when deviating to the left, the
Belt should be adjusted to right
m) Adjustive Knob