Document MT1503P.A
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
Hardware Integration Manual MTi 1-series
4.2.3 Vibrations
The MTi 1-series features an industry-leading signal processing pipeline (AttitudeEngine
) which
rejects vibrations. For best results however, it is recommended that the MTi 1-series is mechanically
isolated from vibrations as much as possible. Especially in applications where vibrations are likely to
occur, the anchor points of the PCB that holds the MTi 1-series module should be dampened. The
required type of dampening varies from application to application.
4.2.4 Heat
Keep the MTi 1-series module away from heat sources. Thermal gradients can cause mechanical stress,
which can affect the sensor performance of the MTi 1-series.
4.2.5 Sockets
For best performance, it is best to solder the module directly onto a PCB by a solder reflow process.
When placed in a socket, the module may be subjected to mechanical stress by the springs in the
socket, which might result in deteriorated performance.
4.3 Magnetometer
The MTi 1-series uses a 3D magnetometer for measuring the geomagnetic field. This part is sensitive
to magnetic disturbances.
4.3.1 Ferromagnetic materials
Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetized and the magnetic behaviour can change during operation.
This behaviour will influence the measurements of the 3D magnetometer of the MTi 1-series.
Therefore, keep these ferromagnetic materials away from the MTi 1-series.
4.3.2 High currents
High current power lines on the PCB will introduce magnetic fields that will influence the measurements
of the 3D magnetometer of the MTi 1-series. Place high current power lines away from the MTi 1-series.
Example: a power line with a current of 100 mA at a distance of 10 mm, will introduce an error of 2 µT.