Bike Computer Mode
Using the GPS Bike Computer
Last Lap Heart Rate: Shows the average heart rate during the
last lap
Laps: Shows the number of laps traversed during the current
Speed: Shows the current speed
Average Speed: Shows the average speed of the current
Maximum Speed: Shows the maximum speed achieved during
the current session
Lap Speed: Shows the average speed during the current lap
Last Lap Speed: Shows the average speed in the last lap
Slope: Shows the current slope
Maximum Slope: Shows the maximum slope experienced
during the current session
Time: Shows the current time
Clock: Shows the current time in a 24 or 12-hour format
Trip Time: Shows the elapsed time for the current session
Average Lap Time: Shows the average time elapsed for each lap
Lap Time: Shows the elapsed time for the current lap
Last Lap Time: Shows the elapsed time for the last completed
Paused Time: Shows the duration since the recording was