SIP Operation Manual
Provision Settings
This section sets parameters required by Auto Provisioning System. Typically, Provision Server is
used to provision, configure, manage and maintain subscribers and network users. This gateway,
acts as a part of subscribers, can be controlled by Provision Server. The gateway provides a
simply way for users to connect and send request to Provision Server by enabling this setting. With
this system, the Server can not only easily modify a configuration file to change gateway settings
but to assign latest firmware for specific gateways to upgrade. Besides, Provision Server also
reports the status of the gateway and all actions will be recorded in log file that offers users to
trouble shouting effectively.
NOTE: Fill in the parameters needed by the Provision Server from your service provider. Please check
with your service provider about the availability of these services.
Enable Auto Provisioning: Tick the check box to start provisioning.
Provision Server Address: Enter the IP address/Domain of Provision Server required by
your provider.
Prot: Enter the port number of Provision Server used.
Packet Format: Select the packet transmitting format required by provision server.
Connect Provision Server During Start Up: The gateway will connect to Provision Server
when it powers on or reboots.
Connect Provision Server Periodically: Adjust the parameters for the gateway to connect
to provision server periodically.
Auto Provision Interval/Random Offset: Adjust the parameters for the gateway to do auto
provision task.