When you turn your XO Unit on, it is set to work in Standard Mode.
Press and ECO Mode is turned on, ECO Mode is an energy saver function.
Press again and ECO Mode is turned off, the unit returns to Standard Mode.
Sabbath Mode was designed for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays.
The Sabbath Mode feature makes it possible to use your appliance during the
duration of the holiday. The Sabbath Mode overrides typical reactions caused
by interactions with the unit. While in Sabbath Mode your appliance will operate,
however it will not respond to your actions.
To initiate Sabbath Mode: Press and hold both + for 5 seconds.
The display will show either “Sb” or “Sb On” depending on the model you have to indicate
Sabbath Mode is engaged.
To turn Sabbath Mode off and return to Standard Mode, Press and hold both +
Press for 5 seconds, DEMO mode is turned on.
Press for 5 seconds again, DEMO mode is turned off and your XO returns to standard
or 5 seconds again.
When you turn your XO wine & weed on, the interior lights will be
white. Press the icon and the lights will change to midnght blue.
Press the icon again and the lights will change to honey amber.
take control