In order to ensure the best performance and durability from the clutch, always be sure you have proper
clutch free-play. Free-play is needed to ensure that the clutch has room for wear. A clutch with no free-play
will begin to slip as the discs wear down. Failure to fix a slipping clutch can cause clutch damage. To check
the free-play, simply pull on the clutch lever. The lever should move very easily within the free-play range
before you feel the clutch begin to engage. If too much or too little free-play exists, adjustments are needed.
The distance between the clutch lever and the grip may be
Loosen the clutch adjuster lock nut
Turn the adjuster
to add free-play and
to remove free-play.
A second adjustment may be needed if the clutch is slipping or if the clutch will not engage. Follow the
steps below carefully to perform the adjustment. If the clutch is slipping, you will need to decrease the
amount of clutch engagement. If you squeeze the clutch lever all the way and the clutch still will not engage,
you need to increase the engagement.
(Clutch Free-play 10 – 15 mm)
Loosen the lock nut
Move the integral cable adjuster and
lock in to place with the adjuster nut
to obtain the
specified free-play.
Tighten the lock nut
and check the adjustment.
Start the engine and pull the clutch lever in and shift
into gear. Make sure the engine does not stall and the
motorcycle does not creep forward.
Gradually release the clutch lever and open the throttle.
The motorcycle should move smoothly and accelerate
If you cannot get the proper adjustment, see you
Xmotos dealer or service center.