Owners Manu
XIX BackPack
“Delux plus”
Compression system
You will find that you accumulate more and more
equipment. We suggest you adopt the following
packing system to maintain both comfort and the
amount of equipment:
First the glider, then the harness with the seat on the
top. Pack your helmet, gloves, flight instruments and
flying suit between the glider and the seat
Compression Stage1
The air is expelled from the back protector using the
side compression straps.
Compression Stage 2
Expel the air from the upper part of the protector by
pulling down the straps to close the pack. This will
turn a 160 liter pack into an 8o liter sack. Volume is
reduced by > 50% and at the same time you have a
comfortable and stable backpack.
Compression Stage1
The air is expelled from the back protector using the
side compression straps.
The air is expelled from the back protector using the
The air is expelled from the back protector using the
Expel the air from the upper part of the protector by
Expel the air from the upper part of the protector by
Expel the air from the upper part of the protector by
pulling down the straps to close the pack. This will