The G90S is an amateur radio short-wave transceiver with a portable 20W in the
SDR architecture. It is a new member of the Xiegu product family and the first
portable SDR model in the G series.
Based on 24bit-C0DEC sampling, the G90S brings superior transceiver
performance and a highly configurable feature experience; the separate head
design allows you to flexibly position your host; with built-in high-performance
ATU, you can meet your needs at any time. From then on, the antenna erection
and adjustment are no longer problems.
High-performance RF front end
SSB/CW/AM/ three working modes
1.8 inch high color TFT LCD
±24k bandwidth spectrum display, waterfall display
Software-defined narrow-band filter (CW mode can be as narrow as 50Hz),
built-in CW decoder
Separable head design
Built-in standing-wave scanner
Built-in efficient automatic antenna tuner
Please read this manual carefully for a better experience and full understanding
on operation of the G90S.
G90S is a version in the People's Republic of China, and G90 is a version in
other countries or regions. This operation manual is applicable to the both
models. The contents of this manual are explained with the G90S model.