Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or driver type.
The Lightness feature allows you to adjust the overall lightness or darkness of the text and images in
your printed job.
You can use the Contrast feature to adjust the variation between light and dark areas of the print job.
Saturation allows you to adjust the color strength and the amount of gray in the color.
Coolloorr C
Use Color Cast settings to adjust the amount of a selected color in the print job while preserving
The following options are available:
• The Cyan to Red option allows you to adjust the color balance between cyan and red. For
example, when you increase the cyan levels, the red levels decrease.
• The Magenta to Green option allows you to adjust the color balance between magenta and
green. For example, when you increase the magenta levels, the green levels decrease.
• The Yellow to Blue option allows you to adjust the color balance between yellow and blue. For
example, when you increase the yellow levels, the blue levels decrease.
PPrriinnttiinngg M
Miirrrroorr IIm
If the PostScript driver is installed, you can print pages as a mirror image. Images mirror left to right
when printed.
PPrriinnttiinngg M
Muullttiippllee PPaaggeess ttoo aa SSiinnggllee SShheeeett
When printing a multiple-page document, you can print more than one page on a single sheet of
To print 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16 pages per side, select
Pages Per Sheet
on the Pages Per Sheet Page Layout
• For Windows, Page Layout is on the Document Options tab.
• For Macintosh, in the Print window, Layout is on the Preview list.
C500 Color Printer
User Guide