The Prepend data is actually transmitted to the printer in front of the translated spool file data. Host Print
Transform then uses the information in the WSCST to translate and format the spool file data. The first item to be
transmitted is the PCL RESET command, as per the WSCST. The last item sent is the RESET followed by a
Universal Exit Language PJL command. If it is desired to transmit commands that require being inside the first
RESET and the last UEL, then the best solution is to comment out the Init and RESET keywords in the WSCST
and include them in the PRE/POST Pend. The screen shot below is the data contained in the PREPEND11
example provided.
The EBCDIC source text is converted to ASCII by using the CRTPREPEND command supplied in the
library. The program is looking for both a Prepend and Postpend file even if only one is being used
and the other only has comments in it