Phaser 8200 Color Printer
Color and Color Sampler Charts
Color and Color Sampler Charts
You can have the colors on your print match particular press specifications or match your
computer screen’s colors. To do this, pick a color correction in the printer driver; see
page 3 for more information.
You can use color sampler charts to help select the colors to use in your application. Refer
to the next section for more information.
For information on PANTONE Colors, refer to page 16.
Color Sampler Charts
Color sampler charts are colored rectangles with each color’s component values; they help
you select colors in an application that can be reproduced on your printer.
Component values are percentages of each color — CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black),
RGB (Red, Green, Blue), or HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) — that combine to make a
particular color.
Which color chart you print and use depends on how your application selects color. For
information on color selection, refer to the application’s documentation, then print one or
more of the color sampler charts.
Process Color
This Graphic Arts guide is
designed to help you choose
colors on the Tektronix color
printers. These reference
pages can be combined into
a wall reference chart, or
held in a reference book.
To assemble the
chart combine the
pages in this order:
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