Using the Fax Phonebook Editor window
When the Fax Phonebook Editor window is first displayed, a
blank, rectangular area and a scroll bar is seen in the window.
This rectangular area is for Fax Phonebook entries. The Fax
Phonebook Editor window automatically displays the names
associated with your entries (as you add entries in the Fax
Destinations or Fax Cover Page windows).
How to add entries to the phonebook is explained in the
“Adding individuals to the phonebook” and “Adding groups to
the phonebook” sections of this chapter.
Displaying phonebook entries
Group names which have previously been added appear first.
They are separated from the individual names by a blank line.
Use the scroll bar to scroll through the list if the phonebook
contains more entries than can be displayed simultaneously in
the window.
An ellipsis (...) appears when an individual name is so long that it
overlaps or is too close to a company name, or if an individual
has no company name but his or her name is wider than the
scrolling list box, or if a group name is wider than the list box.
Selecting and deselecting entries
Click on the first selection, then hold down the Command key
and click on another name or group in the list to select more
than one item from the list.
To select a contiguous list between two entries, use the Shift
key. For example, click on the first name in the list that starts
with C, then hold down the Shift key and click on the last name
in the list that starts with F. This selects all names between C
and F.
Press the Command key while clicking on the entry, or click on a
blank line in the list to deselect an entry.
Sorting phonebook entries
Click on the appropriate [Sort By] button to sort entries by
company name or individual name. Individual names are sorted
by last name.
Editing phonebook entries
Follow these steps to edit the Fax Phonebook entries:
1. Click on the individual name or group that you wish to edit
in the Fax Phonebook Editor window.
2. Click on the [Edit_] button for either the Fax Phonebook
Entry Editor window or the Fax Group Editor window.
3. Edit the information as necessary.