Rover-X User Manual Version 1.0
Appendix D: Raw Iridium Information
Iridium Doppler position
The Iridium Gateway calculates the Iridium transceivers’ position on earth when it receives a
transmission, using Doppler technology. As a result, it is often very inaccurate. This location is
only visible to users getting emails directly from the XMI-X, as opposed to emails forwarded by
Online. An example of a “raw” Iridium message via email is below and will always have the
IMEI of the device in the subject line, regardless of its name on XeosOnline.
All messages from Iridium devices come from this address.
MOMSN: 5866
Mobile Originating Message Serial Number; each individual
message has its own incrementing serial number. A mobile
originating message is one that comes
the Iridium
Mobile Terminating Message Serial Number; like the
MOMSN, messages
Iridium devices (like commands) also
have an incrementing serial number. Since the message in
the example is from an Iridium device, the MT number is
Time of Session (UTC)
The time the message arrived at the Iridium Gateway