Rover-X User Manual Version 1.0
The Rover-X
’s Sensors
Tilt Sensing
The Rover-X
’s tilt
alarm is enabled by default and regularly checks the orientation of the device.
If the Rover-X is tilted beyond its horizontal threshold for three consecutive readings, the device
will enter
Inverted Mode
. Three consecutive readings in the upright position when in Inverted
Mode will allow the device to exit this alarm state.
To disable Inverted Mode, use the command:
$switch T 0
The opposite value can be used to re-enable this feature. The Rover-X will check its orientation
whenever a GPS or Iridium task occurs regardless of this setting to allow for the use of the
correct antenna.
The Rover-X has integrated Bluetooth hardware to facilitate local communication with the user
for configuration, flash memory dumps and firmware upgrades via the
The Rover-X
’s Bluetooth will advertise after
its self-test using a Bluetooth name set at the
After the initial Bluetooth period, the device can be prompted to re-advertise for a new
Bluetooth connection through a few methods:
Reset the device
Turn the Bluetooth on, without resetting, through a few magnet swipes
Send the
$btpwr 1
command over Iridium to turn Bluetooth on after the next Iridium
In any of the above situations, Bluetooth will only run for
two minutes
after power-up or other
power-on methods, plus any additional time that the user is connected with a paired device.
When the user disconnects from the device, Bluetooth will run for an additional
one minute
allow for reconnections, before turning off. The Bluetooth connection retains its own antenna,
and will not interfere with positioning or transmission tasks.