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Changing an IR Command to a RF Command 


For projects where only certain commands will be sent via RF transmission, please proceed as 
After an IR command has been placed under a function button, it can be configured to become an RF 
Step 1: In Universal Dragon under the “Command List” window, find the command to be configured.  
Step 2: Right-click on the IR command and select “Properties”. A new window will appear.  



Step 3: The “Properties” window is where the command type is configured. Default is an “IR” type 
command. By selecting the radial button next to “RF”, the command type is changed to work with the 


Step 4: After selecting the “RF” radial button, the IR output on the RF2IR can be configured. By 
default, the IR will emit out all emitter ports 1 through 4. The blaster is deactivated by default, but can 
be selected if desired.  
Step 5: Repeat Step 2 thru 4 for all IR commands desired.  
