22. Excellent laser training is available from a number of private institu-
tions such as RLI above and we recommend that all of our users under-
take it. Basic safety training is provided with this product but is NOT
meant to be comprehensive. Please follow the enclosed instructions on
the user DVD.
* Failure to follow the above precautions and other precautions contained
in this user manual, particularly with regard to human exposure to laser
radiation and electrical safety, may result in serious injury, loss of vision,
electric shock, skin damage, and death. Please refer to the section on
laser safety later in this manual for more detailed operation guidelines.
Always be mindful that Class IIIB and IV lasers shoot potentially hazard-
ous radiation at the speed of light.
** Any service and/or maintenance to the fixtures is to be performed by
factory authorized technicians only except as specifically described in
this manual.
*** This product should not be operated by persons who are not trained
in proper laser safety procedures and/or do not know how to use all
components of a DMX system properly.
Blue Light Hazard
For X-Laser
products which contain blue or blue violet lasers there is a
special issue which must be taken into consideration called the “Blue
Effect.” Essentially certain wavelengths of light can cause damage to the
eyes at levels well below what it would take to have thermal (heat) dam-
age. Using this product as specified herein and as required by a variance
will virtually eliminate this hazard except that you want to allow an addi-
tional 1.5 meters of clearance from any diffuse reflection to someone’s
eyes. In other words, if the laser hits a white wall such as during testing,
you should stand at least five feet back from the wall. Proper laser safety
glasses should ALWAYS be used during any time when the unit is being
worked on or when beams could come close to an operator.
General Guidelines for Proper Usage
Always treat your laser with great care as some components are very
fragile. This is not a standard “DJ” light that can bounce around in the
back of a van for years and work just fine. Care for it as you would an
intelligent mirror scanner. Always allow the laser 10 minutes of warm up
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