x-IMU3 User Manual v0.11
April 6, 2022
Figure 8: Orange LED indicating low battery or charging status
User control
The LED can be controlled by the user using the strobe and colour commands. See Section 8.1.12 on page 20
and Section 8.1.13 on page 20 for more information.
Data logger
The device can function as a stand-alone data logger by streaming real-time data to a file on the micro SD
card. Files created by the data logger use the .ximu3 extension and can be downloaded from the device to be
converted to Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files using the product software.
The data logger will create a new file in the “Data Logger” directory on the micro SD card each time logging
starts. The data logger will never overwrite data. If the micro SD card becomes full then the data logger will
stop and the device will indicate an error.
Start and stop
The data logger is enabled or disabled in the device settings. If the data logger is enabled then logging will
start when the device is switched on and stop when the device is switched off. Alternatively, an application
can start and stop logging remotely by enabling and disabling the data logger while the device is switched on.
Logging will stop automatically when a Universal Serial Bus (USB) host is connected or when a Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client connects. The data logger will start again when the USB host is disconnected
or when the HTTP client disconnects. Connecting USB power alone will not stop logging.
File name
The file name format is “prefix YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss CCCC.ximu3” where where ”prefix” is a user-defined
label configured in the device settings, “YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss” is the time that the file was created, and
“CCCC” is a counter. If the prefix is left blank then the device serial number will be used with the format
“XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX”. The time and counter parts of the file name can be individually enabled or
disabled in the device settings. For example, if the counter was disabled and the prefix left blank for a device
with the serial number “0123-4567-89AB-CDEF” then a file created at 3.30 p.m. on January 20, 2025 would
have the name “0123-4567-89AB-CDEF 2025-01-20 15-30-00.ximu3”.
The counter is a four digit number between 0000 and 9999 that increments each time it is used. If a file name
using the counter already exists then the counter will increment until the file name is available. Incrementing
beyond 9999 will cause the counter to wraparound to 0000. If the counter part of the file name is disabled and
the file name already exists then the counter will used automatically to create an available file name.