Receiver User’s Guide
X-Digital Systems
Rev A - August 29, 2009
Figure 2 Connect To
If you have connected the serial cable to a different port rather
than COM1, select that port instead.
In the COM1 Properties dialog, select
115200 in the “Bits per second” drop
list, 8 in the “Data bits” drop
down list, “None” in the “Parity” drop down list, 1 in
the “Stop bits” drop
down list, and None in the “Flow control” drop down list. Press
“Apply” and then press “OK”.
Figure 3 COM1 Properties
You are now ready to communicate with the PRO1 Receiver via the console you have
There are a variety of typed commands to which the receiver will respond. By default the
console is not logged into the receiver, and as such the console will have a very limited
set of commands to use. Without logging in, the user can only use status commands and
may not change any receiver settings. To log in, use one of these two accounts: