3.2 Example 2: Control "Module 1" by smart phone
This chapter describes how to setup a Bluetooth
LE connection between a smart phone
and a Proteus-III radio module, and how to configure and control the GPIOs of the Proteus-
III "Module 1" via the Bluetooth
LE connection.
"Module 1" itself can run without host controller as its GPIOs are controlled via radio. For
demonstration purposes, we here again use a Proteus-III evaluation board, which is connect-
ed to a Windows computer including the terminal program
, which is the host "Host 1".
Figure 11: The terminal program hterm
Instead of "Module 2" we here use an Android smart phone including the app "Proteus
Connect", which allows the operation with all radio modules from the Proteus series. Besides
the functions for connection setup and data transmission, this app contains the functions of
GPIO configuration and control, which we will focus on in this chapter.
3.2.1 Boot-up and connection setup
• Connect the Proteus evaluation board to a PC using an USB cable.
• Open a terminal program using the Proteus default UART settings (115200 Baud, 8n1).
• Press the reset button on the Proteus evaluation board. The Proteus module outputs
to indicate that it is ready for operation.
ANR020 Proteus-III version 1.0
© July 2020