3 Examples
The below commands are in hexadecimal notation. The arrow in the left colum-
n describes, whether it’s a message from host to radio module, or vice versa.
A request command is always sent from host to module (
). An indication,
confirmation or response message is always sent from module to host (
3.1 Example 1: Control "Module 1" by "Module 2"
This chapter describes how to setup a Bluetooth
LE connection between two Proteus-III
radio modules, and how to configure and control the GPIOs of one of both modules via
LE connection.
The setup is as shown above, where "Module 1" is the one, whose GPIOs are switched
via radio. It can run without host controller. "Module 2" is the one whivh must be connected
to a host controller "Host 2", to send the corresponding configuration and control commands.
For demonstration purpuses, two Proteus-III evaluation boards are appropriate. As "host" a
Windows computer including the terminal program
can be taken. The USB connector
of the Proteus-III evaluation board allows an easy connection to the Windows computer.
Figure 9: The terminal program hterm
Hint: Please note that the Würth Elektronik eiSos’s tool Smart Commander (version
or newer) also includes the function to control the GPIOs of the Proteus-III. This tool allows
ANR020 Proteus-III version 1.0
© July 2020