8. Analytical Quality Assurance (AQA)
– In the AQA configuration menu, call up the AQA
intervals submenu.
According to the selection in the AQA mode menu,
a fixed time interval (n weeks) or a number of
measurements (n measurements) is set in the AQA
If the AQA mode function is switched off, the
AQA intervals submenu is not available.
The AQA interval, n weeks, is only effective if the n
weeks setting is active for the AQA mode function.
The specified number of n weeks applies to:
the photometer with AQA1
all methods with AQA2.
– In the AQA intervals menu, call up the n weeks
– To return without change, press
three times
– Enter the time interval for AQA meter
, confirm with
8.1.3 Changing AQA intervals
AQA intervals specify the interval between two AQA
checks. A fixed time interval (n weeks) or a number of
measurements (n measurements) can be specified as
the interval.
The respective values that were input remain stored
even if they are not activated.
Additionally, two separate intervals can be set up for
both photometer monitoring (AQA1) and system moni-
toring (AQA2).
For the total system monitoring (AQA2), a
change of the time interval (n weeks) even
retroactively applies to monitoring processes
that are already running.
Changing the number of measurements (n
measurements) does not affect monitoring
processes already running.
Thus, individual numbers of measurements
can be set for different methods.
After an interval has expired, the following conse-
quences become effective:
Warning and loss of AQA identification
Locking of the method for concentration measure-
ments (as long as the locking is active).
Setting ranges:
Photometer monitoring (AQA1):
– 1 to 52 weeks (default: 12 weeks) or
– 1 to 9999 measurements (default: 1500)
Monitoring of the total system using standard solu-
tions (AQA2):
– 1 to 52 weeks (default: 4 weeks) or
– 1 to 9999 measurements (default: 100)
With the n measurements setting, a difference
measurement (see section 7.1.2) is counted
as one measurement only.
AQA interval, "n weeks