- 7 -
Draw a line 5mm (3/16”) back from the
edge of the spar slot in the middle of the
central wing panel. Draw another line at
right angles to this in the exact middle of
the wing running a little way towards the
trailing edge.
Lay you mini size elevator servo on top of
the wing so that one of its sides (or
mounting lugs) is up against the line you
marked 5mm (3/16”) back from the spar
slot and its servo arm is in line with the
line you marked as the middle of the wing.
Trace around the servo and repeat the
process of a creating a servo cavity as per the aileron servos.
Next to the recesses for each of the servos,
mark out the area required to accommodate
the servo arm and its movement. The area
will be about 10mm wide by 20mm long
(3/8” by 3/4”). Cut out a triangular shaped
wedge down to the depth of the servo
recess’s floor.
Choose a place for your receiver that is
5mm (3/16”) back from the edge of the
spar slot and to one side (closer to the
battery pack) of the central wing panel. If
possible, position it so that it can be easily
reached by the leads of the battery pack,
elevator servo and one of the aileron servos without the need for extension leads. The other
aileron servo will usually require a 300mm (12”) extension lead.
Trace around the receiver with a pen and then cut out along this outline all the way down
through the foam. Remove this foam plug and mark its front side with a vertical line for later
Decide whether you want to mount your receiver flush with the top surface of the wing or
embed it beneath the surface. Base this decision on the layout and size of your receiver and
whether you intend to use a switch or plug the battery plug directly into the receiver. I
personally try to use receivers that have the plug sockets on the top surface (and preferably
the crystal as well) and mount them flush
with the top surface of the wing. This
means the servo plugs are sticking up
proud from the wing surface (adding a little
extra drag and ugliness) however this
makes it simple and convenient to just plug
in and take out the battery lead to turn it on
and off and have easy access for charging.
Hold the side of your receiver against the
side of the foam plug in the desired
position (eg. flush with the top surface) and
trace the line(s). Repeat this for all four
sides and then cut off a bottom slice along