the [PF2] by default, but can be disabled or otherwise assigned to the [PF1], [PF2] or
[TOP] key using the programming software.
The KG-S84B allows you to send the Call code set in the CALL-ID feature. It can be
assigned to the [PF1], [PF2] or [TOP] key using the programming software.
The MONITOR function opens squelch on the current channel. This is useful when
listening for weak transmissions. It is assigned to a long press of the [PF2] key by de-
fault, but can be disabled or otherwise assigned to the [PF1], [PF2] or [TOP] key using
the programming software.
Transmit Power
This function sets the transmit power of the radio. The KG-S84B has two power op-
tons: Low (0.5W) and High (2W). Wattage is approximate. It is preset to 2 watts on all
channels by default, but can be toggled if the function is assigned to the [PF1], [PF2]