loading), installation, temperatures maintained and size of area being heated. Nature’s Comfort
makes no guarantees on burn times as there are too many variables outside of its control.
D. Blower Output Damper
The output damper on the flange where the blower is mounted is for adjusting airflow to obtain
maximum burn times. Start with the damper pushed in and pull to open further as needed. Do not
open so far as to throw embers out the chimney. The damper position will vary based on type of
coal used and moisture content. If burning hard coal you may need to completely remove the
damper to allow for a slight draft to prevent loss of combustion.
E. Power Loss, Running On A Generator
The controls are designed for the control plug to be used on a generator or vehicle inverter if
needed. If the water jacket ever starts to overheat from lack of circulation during a power outage,
first make sure to keep the water level full then use this feature to keep the pump running.
F. Warm Weather Operation, Bypass For Domestic Hot Water Only
Operation in warmer weather will result in larger amounts of creosote due to longer idle times and
can also be more difficult as too many coals may cause the water jacket to boil if not enough heat is
pulled from the water to heat the home. Use smaller loads of coal if this happens. Adequate water
circulation is critical for preventing water from boiling. Also make sure all rope seals are properly
sealed to prevent any extra air from feeding the fire. See the maintenance section for how to adjust
door seals.
For heating of domestic hot water without heating the home, install a 3-valve bypass system shown
in the next figure (shown on a water-to-air heat exchanger). This permits use of the boiler during the
spring, summer and fall seasons to heat domestic hot water when heating the home may not
needed or wanted. Use of union fittings between the isolation valves and the heat exchanger for
easy removal is recommended.