Canopy Assembly
2. Before assembling the canopy, make sure all four plastic clamps at the corners are open..
1. Take out the canopy fabric from the package. Insert the canopy tubes through
the piping of the fabric.
3. Insert the canopy poles into the frame slots on all four corners at the desired height.
4. Clasp to close all four plastic clamps. Canopy assembly complete.
Handle Strap Assembly
1. Locate the handle strap from the bottom of the frame located in the front.
2. Fix the handle strap onto the lower front frame tube.
3. Use as shown in diagram 3.
Basket Assembly
1. Slide the basket hooks into the fixed slots on the frames under the handle bar tube.
2. Gently wiggle the basket to level it. Completed assembly shown in diagram 2.
Seat Assembly
1. Before placing the seat in the wagon, unbuckle the buckles on the underside of the seat.
Allow the buckles and straps to hang loose until step 3.
2. Place the seat into one end of the stroller. Secure the hooks on both sides of the seat
onto the stroller frame hand rail on either side of the wagon. Make sure that the both
fabric panels between the two parallel seat hooks is stretched flat. Then secure the
seatback hooks onto the stroller frame behind the seat.
3. Connect the four buckles on the underside of the seat to the corresponding buckles
in the well of the wagon as shown in Image 3.
4. Completed seat assembly shown in Image 4.
5. For reclining mode, remove the seat and reposition the side hooks further forward on
the stroller frame hand rails.
Seat Mode
Reclining Mode