1. The Wonderfire Airflame Excel is to be used only with the type of gas for which it
was supplied. Never attempt to use the appliance with other gas types.
2. Always use a fireguard complying with BS6539 or BS6778 for the protection of the
young, elderly, or infirm.
3. The fire is lit by a Piezo electronic spark unit. Batteries and electrical supply are
not required.
4. An odour may be noticeable when your fire is first lit. This is due to the newness
of certain materials used in the manufacture and will disappear after a few hours
of use.
5. Never throw paper, ash, or any other materials onto your fire.
6. The chimney should have been thoroughly swept prior to installation.
7. The chimney should be checked annually to ensure continued clearance of
combustion products, and that no soot or debris has built up behind the
8. Your fire should be checked annually by a competent person according to the
maintenance requirements in the installation manual and in accordance with the
Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 (as amended) or the rules in
9. Ensure that any purpose made room ventilation is kept free from obstruction.
10. This appliance is fitted with an A.S.D. (Atmospere sensing device). If the
appliance shuts down after a period of operation for no apparent reason, then
stop using the appliance until the installation and the appliance have been
thoroughly checked by a competent person.
11. Installation must be in accordance with the installation instruction and the rules
in force.
12. If the fire goes out for any reason, wait at least three minutes before attempting to
The Hearth
NOTE: Hearth requirements in Figure 1.
The appliance must be mounted behind
a non-combustible hearth (N.B.
conglomerate marble hearths are
considered as non-combustible). The
appliance can be fitted to a purpose
made proprietary class “O”-150°C
surround. The hearth material must be at
least 12mm thick. The periphery of the
hearth (or fender) should be at least
50mm above floor level to
discourage the placing of carpets or
rugs over it.
The surface of the hearth must be
sufficiently flat to enable the bottom
of the front surround and the bottom front cover to be aligned horizontally. Any
excessive unevenness (uneven tiles, Cotswold stone, etc.) should be rectified.
The appliance must not stand on combustible materials or carpets.
Shelf Clearances
The minimum height from the top surface of the hearth to the underside of any shelf
made from wood or other combustible materials is as follows:-
For a shelf up to 150mm deep : Minimum height = 818mm.
For a shelf deeper than 150mm : 818mm + 12.5mm for every 25mm depth over
Figure 1